Source Code Containing the Phrase "horse shit"

We have detected over 74 code snippets in our database containing the word "horse shit"

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JavaScript IconJavaScript
, "You grow on people, like a wart!"
, "Please tell me you don't home-school your kids."
, "You're so fat your belly button has an echo echo echo..."
, "Your brain must be made out of rocking horse shit."
, "When anorexics see you, they think they need to go on a diet."
, "Did you eat paint chips when you were a kid?"
, "You're stupid because you're blonde."
Python IconPython
x = x[:-1]
                                    x = x[:-1]
                                comment.reply('[Everything before the word **but** is horse shit.]( \n\n **You mean** \n\n' + x + "\n\n **Instead of** \n\n" + comment.body)
                                print ("s")
                                with open("posts_replied_to.txt", "w") as f:
C IconC
// vec3f_copy(&o->oBobombBuddyPosCopyVec, &o->oPosVec);

    if (gCurrLevelNum != LEVEL_TTC) {
        //hard coded horse shit
        //the reason for this though is because a lot of npcs in ttc are on top of objects, which unload collision when you walk away from them
Python IconPython
"toy insect",
    "bowling ball",
    "glass of water",
    "bucket of horse shit",
    "portrait of Richard Stallman",
Java IconJava
this.playerID = playerID;

	// The following horse shit is for backwards compatibility with the old, retarded method of storing heatmap data
	public static HeatmapNew convertOldHeatmapToNew(Heatmap oldStyle, long userId) {
		HeatmapNew newStyle = new HeatmapNew(userId);
		for (int x = 0; x < HEATMAP_WIDTH; x++) {
Java IconJava
They look delicious..U want to eat one
                """, null);
        farm = new Room("""
                U can smell the horse shit getting stronger.
                Its a farm full of unicorns.. They look thirsty....
                """, null);
        treeTrunk = new Room("""
C IconC
"the scaffold, and disappears under the platform.  In the "+
    			"middle of the platform, just beneath where the rope is "+
    			"tied is a trapdoor.\n",
    		"manure" : "This is horse shit you ninny!\n",
    		"straw" : "This is nothing more than a pile of straw, sometimes "+
    			"people throw it onto piles of horse manure to keep the crap "+
    			"from being tracked all over the place.\n",
Java IconJava
"The light of your window becomes the scorching sun of the middle of the day.\n" +
            "The confortable bed becomes a bunch of pointy hay.\n" +
            "And as you rise new smells strike your nose. \n" +
            "Oh... is that horse shit?";
    private String result12 = "You welcome the darkness and tighten your eyes, letting yourself become one with the void.\n" +
            "But suddenly, you have trouble breathing.\n" +
            "Your heart rate intensifies and feel a crushing weight on you throat.\n" +
C# IconC#
"tell me a story",
            "show me the money",
            "sucks to be you",
            "horse shit",
            "does that shit",
JavaScript IconJavaScript

     * Some horse shit of some sort.
     * @return Horse Shit
    function screenDistance() {
Python IconPython
serverInfo = sqlgraph.DBServerInfo(host='localhost',user='root',passwd='')

def build_rmsk_nlmsa(genome="hg19"):
    #This is horse shit...
    seqDB = pygrConnect(genome)
    rmsk = sqlgraph.SQLTable('hg19.rmsk',serverInfo=serverInfo,itemClass=UCSCSeqIntervalRow,primaryKey="lookupName")
Python IconPython
"rocket science",
"rocket up",
"rocking horse shit",
"rocking-horse shit",
"rod for one 's back",
"roger that",
"rogues ' gallery",
C# IconC#
public static class BadWordsHelper

        private static string BadWords { get; } = "1 man 1 jar,1m1j,1man1jar,2 girls 1 cup,2g1c,2girls1cup,acrotomophile,acrotomophilia,alabama hot pocket,alabama tuna melt,alaskan pipeline,algophile,algophilia,anal,anal assassin,anal astronaut,anilingus,anus,ape shit,ape-shit,apeshit,apotemnophile,apotemnophilia,arse,arse bandit,arsehole,ass,ass bandit,asshole,auto erotic,autoerotic,babeland,baby batter,baby gravy,baby juice,ball batter,ball gag,ball gravy,ball kicking,ball licking,ball sack,ball sucking,ball-gag,ball-kicking,ball-licking,ball-sucking,ballcuzi,ballgag,bang bros,bang bus,bangbros,bangbus,bareback,barely legal,bastard,bastinado,batty boi,batty boy,battyboi,battyboy,bdsm,bean flicker,bean queen,bean-flicker,beaner,beaners,beanflicker,beastiality,beaver cleaver,beaver lips,beestiality,bellend,bellesa,bestiality,bicon,big boobs,big breasts,big cock,big knockers,big tits,birdlock,bitch,bitches,black cock,bloody,blow job,blow your load,blow-job,blowjob,blue waffle,bluewaffle,blumpkin,bollocks,bone smuggler,bone-smuggler,boner,bonesmuggler,boob,booty buffer,booty call,booty-buffer,boston george,breasts,brown piper,brown shower,brown showers,brown-piper,brownie king,brownie queen,brownpiper,buddha head,buddha-head,buddhahead,bufter,bufty,bugger,bukkake,bull shit,bull-shit,bulldyke,bullet vibe,bullet vibrator,bullshit,bum boy,bum chum,bum driller,bum pilot,bum pirate,bum rider,bum robber,bum rustler,bum-boy,bum-chum,bum-driller,bum-pirate,bum-robber,bumboy,bumchum,bumdriller,bumhole engineer,bumrider,bumrobber,butt boy,butt pilot,butt pirate,butt rider,butt robber,butt rustler,butt-boy,butt-pirate,butt-robber,buttboy,butthole engineer,buttrider,buttrobber,camel jockey,camel jockies,camel toe,cameljockey,cameljockies,canadian porch swing,carpet muncher,carpetmuncher,cheese eating surrender monkey,cheese-eating surrender monkey,chi chi man,chi-chi man,chicken queen,china man,china men,chinaman,chinamen,ching chong,ching-chong,chink,chinks,chinky,chocolate rosebud,chocolate rosebuds,cholerophile,cholerophilia,christ,cialis,circle-jerk,circlejerk,cishet,cissie,cissy,claustrophile,claustrophilia,cleveland accordion,cleveland hot waffle,cleveland steamer,clit,clitoris,clover clamp,clover clamps,clunge,cluster fuck,cluster-fuck,clusterfuck,cock,cockpipe cosmonaut,cockstruction worker,coimetrophile,coimetrophilia,collared,collaring,coon,coons,coprolagnia,coprophile,coprophilia,cornhole,crafty butcher,crap,cream-pie,creampie,cum,cum shot,cum shots,cumming,cumshot,cumshots,cunnilingus,cunt,cunt boy,cunt-boy,cuntboy,cunts,curry muncher,curry-muncher,currymuncher,damn,darkey,darkie,darkies,darky,date rape,daterape,ddlg,deep throat,deep-throat,deepthroat,dendrophile,dendrophilia,dick,dick girl,dick-girl,dickgirl,dildo,dildos,dingleberries,dingleberry,dipsea,dirty pillows,dirty sanchez,dishabiliophile,dishabiliophilia,dog shit,dog style,dog-shit,doggie style,doggie-style,doggiestyle,doggy style,doggy-style,doggystyle,dogshit,dolcett,domination,dominatrix,domme,dommes,donkey punch,donut muncher,donut puncher,doon coon,dooncoon,double penetration,dp action,dry hump,dune coon,dune-coon,dutch rudder,dyke,dystychiphile,dystychiphilia,edge play,edgeplay,ejaculate,ejaculated,ejaculating,ejaculation,electro-play,electroplay,emetophile,emetophilia,enby,eskimo trebuchet,eye-tie,eyetie,fag,fag bomb,fag-bomb,fagbomb,faggot,fagot,felch,felching,fellating,fellatio,female squirting,figging,finger bang,fingerbang,fingerbanging,fingered,fingering,finocchio,finoccio,finochio,fisted,fisting,foot job,foot-job,footjob,french rudder,frog eater,frog-eater,frogeater,frolic me,frolicme,frottage,frotting,fuck,fuck-wit,fucken,fucker,fuckers,fuckhead,fuckheads,fuckin,fucking,fucks,fucktard,fucktards,fuckwad,fuckwads,fuckwhit,fuckwit,fuckwits,fudge packer,fudge-packer,fudgepacker,futanari,g-spot,gang bang,gangbang,gay sex,gaysian,genitals,genitorture,gerontophile,gerontophilia,giant cock,gin jockey,gin jocky,girl on top,go-kun,goatcx,goatse,god damn,god damned,god-damn,god-damned,goddamn,goddamned,gokkun,golden shower,golden showers,golliwog,gollywog,gook,gook-eye,gookie,gooks,gooky,goregasm,gray queen,greaseball,grey queen,grope,group sex,gym bunny,gymbunny,hadji,haji,hajji,hand job,hand-job,handjob,heimie,hell,hermie,hickory switch,hippophile,hippophilia,homoerotic,honkey,honkeys,honkies,honky,horny,horse shit,horse-shit,horseshit,hot carl,hot richard,huge cock,humping,hymie,impact play,impact-play,incest,intercourse,jack off,jack-off,jail bait,jailbait,jap,jelly donut,jerk mate,jerk off,jerk-off,jerkmate,jesus,jesus christ,jigaboo,jiggerboo,jizz,juggs,jungle bunny,junglebunny,kennebunkport surprise,kentucky klondike,kentucky tractor puller,kike,kinbaku,kitty puncher,kitty-puncher,kittypuncher,knobbing,kraut,krauts,kunt,kunts,kynophile,kynophilia,lady boy,lady-boy,ladyboy,leather restraint,leather straight jacket,lemon party,lemonparty,leningrad steamer,lesbo,leso,lezzie,lezzies,light in the fedora,light in the loafers,light in the pants,limp wristed,limp-wristed,literotica,lovemaking,male squirting,male-squirting,massive cock,masterb8,masterbate,masturb8,masturbate,masturbating,masturbation,mayonnaise monkey,mayonnaise monkies,mdlb,meat masseuse,meat spin,meatspin,menage a trois,menage-a-trois,menages a trois,menages-a-trois,menophile,menophilia,mexican pancake,milwaukee blizzard,missionary position,mississippi birdbath,mound of venus,mr hands,mr. hands,mrhands,muff diver,muff diver,muff diving,muff-diver,muffdiver,muffdiver,muffdiving,muscle mary,mvtube,nambla,necrophile,necrophilia,negro,neo nazi,neo-nazi,neonazi,nig nog,nigerian hurricane,nigga,nigger,niggs,nignog,nimpho,nimphomania,nimphomaniac,nipple,nipple clamp,nipple clamps,nipples,nude,nudity,nutten,nympho,nymphomania,nymphomaniac,octopussy,oklahomo,omorashi,one cup two girls,one jar one man,one man one jar,only fans,onlyfans,orgasm,orgasmic,orgasms,paedo bear,paedobear,paedophile,paedophilia,pain slut,painslut,paki,panamanian petting zoo,pansy,panties,parthenophile,parthenophilia,pedo bear,pedobear,pedophile,pedophilia,pegging,penis,peter puffer,peter-puffer,peterpuffer,petrol sniffer,petrol-sniffer,petrolsniffer,phagophile,phagophilia,piece of shit,pieces of shit,pikey,pikeys,piss off,piss pig,piss pig,pissed off,pissing,pisspig,pisspig,playboy,pleasure chest,pnigerophile,pnigerophilia,pnigophile,pnigophilia,poinephile,poinephilia,pony boy,pony girl,pony-boy,pony-girl,pony-play,ponyboy,ponygirl,ponyplay,poof,poon,poontang,poop chute,poopchute,porn,porn hub,pornhub,porno,pornographic,pornography,pornos,potato queen,prince albert piercing,proctophile,proctophilia,pubes,punani,punany,pussy,pussy puncher,pussy-puncher,pussypuncher,queaf,queef,quim,rag head,rag heads,raghead,ragheads,raging boner,ramen yarmulke,rape,raping,rapist,rectum,retard,retarded,reverse cowgirl,rhabdophile,rhabdophilia,rhypophile,rhypophilia,rice queen,rimjob,rimming,ring raider,ringraider,rusty trombone,sand nigger,sand-nigger,sandnigger,santorum,scatophile,scatophilia,schlong,scissoring,semen,seplophile,seplophilia,sex,shaved beaver,shaved pussy,she male,she-male,sheep shagger,sheepshagger,shemale,shibari,shit,shit head,shithead,shitty,shlong,shota,shrimping,sissy,skeet,skittle harvest,skittles harvest,slant eye,slant-eye,slanteye,snatch,snowballing,sod off,sodding,sodomise,sodomist,sodomize,sodomy,spastic,spearchucker,spic,spick,spicks,spics,spicy gringo,splooge,splooge moose,spooge,spunk,strap on,strap-on,strap-on,strapon,strappado,suastika,svastika,swamp guinea,swamp-guinea,swastika,switch hitter,t-girl,taphephile,taphephilia,tea bagged,tea bagging,tea-bagged,tea-bagging,tgirl,thanatophile,thanatophilia,threesome,throating,throbbing boner,throbbing cock,thumbzilla,timber nigger,timber-nigger,timbernigger,tits,titties,titty,topless,tosser,towel head,towel-head,towelhead,trannie,tranny,transbian,traumatophile,traumatophilia,tribadism,tribbing,tub girl,tubgirl,twat,twink,two girls one cup,urethra play,urophile,urophilia,vagina,venus mound,viagra,vibrator,violet wand,vorarephile,vorarephilia,voyeurweb,wagon burner,wagon-burner,wank,wanker,wax play,wax-play,wet back,wet dream,wet-back,wetback,whigger,white power,white-power,whitepower,whore,wigga,wigger,wiitwd,wog,wogs,wolfbagging,worldsex,wrapping men,wrinkled starfish,xhamster,xnxx,xtube,xvideos,xxx,xyrophile,xyrophilia,yellow shower,yellow showers,zipper head,zipper-head,zipperhead,zippo cat,zippo-cat,zippocat,zoophile,zoophilia";

        private static string BadEmojis { get; } = "โ€‹๐Ÿ–•โ€‹๐Ÿคฌโ€‹ โ€‹๐Ÿ–•โ€‹๐Ÿคฌโ€‹๐Ÿ–•โ€‹ โœŠ๐Ÿ† โœŠ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ฆ โœŠ๐ŸŒ โœŠ๐ŸŒ๐Ÿ’ฆ ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ’ฆ ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ‘…๐Ÿ’ฆ ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ‘‹๐Ÿ’ฆ ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ฆ ๐Ÿ“๐Ÿ’ ๐Ÿ‘‰๐ŸŒฎ ๐Ÿ‘‰๐Ÿ‘Œ ๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿ‘ˆ ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ…๐Ÿ… ๐Ÿ–• ๐Ÿคฉ๐Ÿ†๐Ÿ’ฆ ๐Ÿคฌโ€‹๐Ÿ–•";
C# IconC#
private Dictionary<string, string> ParseUninstallKeys()
            // This logic is only reliable for packages/applications that install system wide "UninstallString" keys in the
            // Windows registry (aka "the pit of horse shit").

            // Registry Keys used to uninstall apps. First is default; Second is for 32bit apps on 64bit Windows.
            var uninstallKeys = new List<string>();
Python IconPython
print "This part will ask you for your sudo password, just enter it and let it do it's thing"
	print "Also, this part could take a while depending on the size of the iso" +colors.END
	os.system('sudo -S %s' %(hdiutil))
	#If you haven't noticed by now, for some shitty reason Mac OS likes to add a '.dmg' to the end of the img. Which is horse shit if I do say so myself.
	#Anyways we need to move it to the 'Out' directory without the .dmg extension.
	os.system('mv %s %s' %(BEFORE, OUTDIRIMG))
On Tue, Jul 01, 2003 at 09:26:07AM +0930, Michael Haarsma wrote:
&gt; As far as the horse shit attached to my email &lt;snip&gt; it is a requirement
&gt; for generated emails to contain some form of horse shit as a disclaimer.

This suggests the bandwidth-friendly solution of using Shetland pony shit.
C++ IconC++
#pragma warning( disable : 4324 ) // structure was padded due to alignment specifier
#pragma warning( disable : 4503 ) // decorated name horse shit
#pragma warning( disable : 4702 ) // unreachable code
<p>Important things to note: Sheap- the alter-earth versions of sheep. <br>sheapered- the alter-earth version of shepherd. <br>ironwood- wood from a metal saturated tree that agonises beast because of the nature element embeded within it.<br>
          Zaibathopia-Zaibathiopia streets and houses were made out of mud and hardend shit, only shops and important buildings were made out of wood. Any high-class citizen would vomit at the sight of such a ugly town. <br> The town was named after a woman who was a fallen noble tryed to take over her fathers land but failed misrably. She was crucified for being a witch and was later reancaneted as a lich queen only to be slayn by the man she had a crush one.
          To add even more shit to this tale the slayer shat on her mouth and buried her with horse shit. To Keep her from reencarnating again her father built Zaibathiopia for a class lower than lowborn known as shitheads. An that is how Zaibathopia was created</p>
        <p>Ranger- A man tasked with protecting his lands from sanity spawns with his enhanced abilities. Rangers are trained with wiseness granted for a short time that allows the training for 1000 days to be completed within a single day. They train for 3 years at which point they can accumulate their own wiseness even if it doesnโ€™t last long.</p>

        <h3><i>Note inportant plot points missed : family, ranger abilitys , trainign, temple, concil of shitheads, demi-gods, scapegoat, arciologist.</i></h3>
Shell IconShell
#parition that /boot is mounted on.
BOOTPART=$(mount |grep "/.livesys/medium type ext4" |cut -d " " -f 1)
# assume /boot is mounted on /dev/sda1. This bit of happy horse shit below is
# what you need to get /dev/sda from /dev/sda1 in bash. So how does that work?
# pay attention and you notice it uses fairly routine bash slicing
# ${varname:start:stop}. Except the stop uses bash math $(( )) to count the
Ruby IconRuby
# One of the most sloppy, unreliable and awkward exploits ever released for

    # Wordpress. The original exploit from Stefan Esser was mediocre at best.

    # No offense meant, it was just a seriously deficient piece of horse shit.

    def exploit_205_trackback_utf7

        wpuser_list = {}

        sql_query = ""
Ruby IconRuby
# One of the most sloppy, unreliable and awkward exploits ever released for
    # Wordpress. The original exploit from Stefan Esser was mediocre at best.
    # No offense meant, it was just a seriously deficient piece of horse shit.
    def exploit_205_trackback_utf7
        wpuser_list = {}
        sql_query = ""
Ruby IconRuby
# One of the most sloppy, unreliable and awkward exploits ever released for
    # Wordpress. The original exploit from Stefan Esser was mediocre at best.
    # No offense meant, it was just a seriously deficient piece of horse shit.
    def exploit_205_trackback_utf7
        wpuser_list = {}
        sql_query = ""
Ruby IconRuby
# One of the most sloppy, unreliable and awkward exploits ever released for
    # Wordpress. The original exploit from Stefan Esser was mediocre at best.
    # No offense meant, it was just a seriously deficient piece of horse shit.
    def exploit_205_trackback_utf7
        wpuser_list = {}
        sql_query = ""
Ruby IconRuby
# One of the most sloppy, unreliable and awkward exploits ever released for
    # Wordpress. The original exploit from Stefan Esser was mediocre at best.
    # No offense meant, it was just a seriously deficient piece of horse shit.
    def exploit_205_trackback_utf7
        wpuser_list = {}
        sql_query = ""
Ruby IconRuby
# One of the most sloppy, unreliable and awkward exploits ever released for
    # Wordpress. The original exploit from Stefan Esser was mediocre at best.
    # No offense meant, it was just a seriously deficient piece of horse shit.
    def exploit_205_trackback_utf7
        wpuser_list = {}
        sql_query = ""